Saturday, August 11, 2018

Bhumihar are Brahmins. Even genetic evidence states the same. As the research published in Annals of Human Biology, National Center for Biotechnology Information ( US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health ) on Sep-Oct 2003. Which was done on "Genetic profile based upon 15 micro satellites of four caste groups of the eastern Indian state". It was found that the DNA genetic profile of bhumihar clustering with the Brahmin group. As expected, since Bhumihar is known to be a subclass of Brahmin.Reference :
The MOOL, GOTRA, VED and UPVEDA of bhumaihar and other brahmins are interrelated. Eg. In Mithila, Maithili Brahmins and Bhumihar Brahmins have same Mool, Gotra, Ved and Upveda. As most of them was rulers and land owners. They were ayachak brahmins since few centuries. Where today most of the brahmin’s left the priestly job. apart of that bhumihars brahmins were traditional priest in Gaya Vishnupad Mandir (The place of Moksha).
Note : Religion and Social groups (Casts) are matter of believe. No one can prove anything. History is unknown and manipulated.

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