Friday, September 14, 2018

Darbhanga Maharaja and Bhumihar Brahmans____+ Dharbhanga Maharajas belonged to Srotriya clan of Brahmans who claimed their superiority over other clans of Maithili Brahmans like Jog, Panjikar, and Jalevar. However, they married very cordial links especially marital relationship with Bhumihar Brahmans. Interestingly, when the Dronvar Bhumihar Brahmans of Narhan in Samastipur division, the lower Tirhut or Samsudinnagar of medieval period were hostile to the Mughal forces and offered a tough resistance to them before they were finally uprooted, it was the family of Darbhanga Raj that rescued the warrior Bhumihar Brahmans and especially the Prince of Narhan. One must be proud of the fact that Darbhanga Raja brought up the young prince and married his daughter with him. With his initiative only a smaller Narhan state was restored. Bhumihar Brahman king of Kashi , though was aware of the fact that in administrative terms, Darbhanga Maharaja was a mere Zamindar gave him respect of a Brahmin King. It is to be cited here the the land grant of Darbhanga was given to a yachak Brahaman by Akbar to Mahesh Thakur on recommendation of Todarmal. Contrary to it, he had recommended Zamindari of other states to militarized Bhumihar Brahmans , for example Hushepur/ Hathva and Bettia. Banaras Maharaja conferred honorific military title to Rudra Singh of Darbhanga , the Samarvijayi a Sanskrit synonym for Jang Bahadur. More importantly , he gave him a small artillery with seven native topes . He made Darbhanga Raja president of Bharat Dharm Mahamandal in place of himself who was called Dvijraj Kashi only to give a message to India that there are other prominent Brahmin kings. He appointed a maithil Brahmin as his Cheif treasurer at Kashi . In lieu to this generosity Darbhanga Maharaja gave prominent position to Bhumihar Brahmans in local administration. More importantly, the Darbhanga Maharaja profoundly and vigorously appreciated the contribution of Bhumihar Brahmans in liberating Hindu pilgrimage centers of Prayag, Kashi and Gaya. Maharaja of Kashi gave him land at Kashi and asked him to make massive ghat and haveli as a Brahmin glory. Pandit Chitradhar Mishra, Pandit Tarnish Jha and Pandit Ganganath Jha admired the role of Bhumihar Brahmans in protecting Brahmans and Sanatan Dharm. Marriage between Bhumihar Brahmans and Mathil Brahmin was common before the Dogamiya hypothesis was evolved by Jivachh Mishra.Bhumihar Brahmins and Maithil Brahmin share similar clans like Jalewars, Suarganai, Panchobhe Savarn and Digve Sandahpur. In Devghar and Magadh the two brothers of Srotriya Maithil Jai Thakur and Prithu Thakur formed the two classes respectively Maithil Srotriya and Bhumihar Brahmans. It has to be mentioned that Jai Thakur continued supervising rituals while Priithu Thakur got massive land grant in Barahiya Tal and Babhangavan. Another interesting fact , the surnames Thakur , Chaudhry, Mishra , Pathak , Jha, Malik and Khan led B.R. Ambedkar to believe Maithil and Bhumihars are two parts of one coin. So was the survey reports on caste conducted by Govt. of India in context of north Bihar. Moreover , our forefathers were not fools who without a noble thought accepted marital relation that resulted later as a clan of Dvigamanakah / Dogamiya.Dr.Anand Burdhan Historian.


Unknown said...

Brahmin cast has their own identity from sanatan periods when Bhumihar has their own history and identity and both are totally different from each to othersr. But from very earlier, Bhumiharh started their marriage with all the casts like Rajput, Brahmin and others and hence Bhumihar has kept all the surnames ( Like Jha,Sharma,Mishra,Dubey,Choubey, Shukla,Pathak,Thakur,Khan,Pandey and Singh,Sinha,Prasad,Roy, Choudhary ,e.t.c......

Unknown said...

ये सभी सरनेम ब्राह्मण के ही हैं। दरभंगा महाराज खुद सिंह सरनेम लगाते थे। अभी भी कानपुर के आसपास के कान्यकुब्ज जिनका इतिहास जमींदारी का रहा है वो सिंह सरनेम लगाते है। ठाकुर, चौधरी वगैरह मैथिल ब्राह्मण के प्रचलित सरनेम है। जो भूमिहार मैथिल ब्राह्मण से जुड़े हैं वे सब झा, ठाकुर, चौधरी लगाते हैं। शर्मा मगध के बाभनो का सरनेम है। जो कि बिहार के सबसे पुराना ब्राह्मण दल है। जो लोग राय की उपाधि धारण किये उनके पूर्वज भी मिश्र, तिवारी, दुबे, चौबे ही लिखते थे पहले।